Please note: This LIVE session has limited capacity...get in while you can!

How To Take Advantage Of The

"Biggest Opportunity In 2022"

And Have Your Biggest Breakthrough Yet!

Take Action Right Alongside Us And See Every Step, Approach & Strategy We Use As We Sprint To Close A Deal From Start To Finish In 30 Days Or Less!

This Limited Time Opportunity Will Expire In:


Roland Frasier
San Diego, CA
September 10th, 2022

Fellow entrepreneur,

Over the last 18 months I’ve taught tens of thousands of aspiring investors, business owners, entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals alike how to acquire highly-profitable businesses without taking on major liability, without using personal credit and with zero money out of pocket using the E.P.I.C Investing Strategy.

We’ve helped members who have gone from working at a corporate day job with zero business experience to becoming business owners (and even multi-business owners) by acquiring their first profitable businesses with no money out of pocket…

We’ve helped countless seasoned entrepreneurs who already owned thriving businesses quickly add on multiple income streams, staff, resources and traffic channels to skyrocket their bottom lines, almost overnight.

As great as this has been there’s something even better coming in October 2022…

And if you also want to have the ability to acquire highly-profitable businesses, traffic channels or business assets from anyone in the world without spending a dime out of your own pocket to do so, then…

This May Be The Single Biggest Breakthrough Of Your Lifetime…

Throughout my career as a “recovering attorney” and entrepreneur, I’ve bought and sold over 100 public and private companies ranging from a few million to over $100 million over the past 30 years.

I’ve focused my entire career on creative deal structuring and acquiring highly-profitable businesses with little to no money out of pocket where I can add value, grow, scale, and sell the businesses I acquire.

And over the past 30 years, I’ve developed step-by-step strategies and tactics on both finding businesses to acquire, how to approach the right people, and how to get the deals done!

But here’s what I’ve realized…

Knowing exactly how to find highly-profitable deals, identify red-flags to avoid major mistakes and knowing how to close these deals with little to no money out of pocket is extremely valuable…but putting this knowledge into action can be a completely different story.

So if you’re ready to take full control of your financial future and time freedom by acquiring highly-profitable businesses using the EPIC Investing Strategy BUT…

And you know you would have twice the confidence if you had someone doing deals alongside you, then

Your Window Of Opportunity To Experience A Breakthrough Is RIGHT NOW!

Whether you’re looking to acquire your first profitable business or you just need to dramatically speed up the time it takes you to close your 10th deal, we want to give you the biggest step-by-step advantage we possibly could and invite you to join us for a 30-Day Sprint as we walk you through every step to acquire a business as you work alongside us doing your own acquisition LIVE!

Introducing The 30-Day EPIC Deal Sprint

The EPIC Deal Sprint is the “Golden Ticket” to virtually guarantee you get into action as we eliminate any challenges you face along the way and having one of the top Merger & Acquisition experts in the world by your side every step of the way to help you close a deal within 30 days or less!

During the 30-Day EPIC Deal Sprint you will:

And All From Start To Finish In 30-Days!

Here’s How It Works…

On Wednesday October 5th, 2022, we’ll be starting another 30-Day EPIC Deal Sprint to acquire an “Online Course” Business.

When you join the 30-Day EPIC Deal Sprint you’ll get private access to join our LIVE weekly Zoom calls as our team walks you through every step of the process to acquire an Online Course business. You can follow alongside as we go through the entire process from research to negotiating terms and everything in between, while you take the same exact steps to acquire and close your own deal at the same time.

We’ll be right there virtually whispering in your ear helping you through any questions, giving you the best things to say, best ways to structure your deal for no money out of pocket, helping you overcome unexpected challenges, provide guidance for critical decisions, and handing you the everything you need to get your deal closed…all in a 30 day sprint!

You get to be a “fly on the wall” for these closed door conversations and see exactly how we find and close deals for you to reference back any time you want.

However, it’s strongly recommended that you follow along closely, and work alongside us getting your own deal done in the same 30-day sprint!

So What’s The Investment?

Many of the insider strategies that you’ll have exclusive access to are only shared with our highest level mastermind members, which is a minimum of $30,000…

The typical cost for a half day consult (4-hour) session with an M&A Expert, such as myself and Adam Lyons, is $25,000 and doesn’t include half of the resources you’ll have to!

However, you’ll be securing a virtual front row seat to the upcoming LIVE 30-Day Sprint, starting October 5th, 2022 with weekly group coaching sessions where the focus will be to walk you through acquiring an “Online Course” from research to acquisition within 30-Days.

Just the upfront value alone is over $25,000.

And in all fairness, the profit potential on closing a single deal could easily pay for this investment multiple times over (not to mention the skill set and experience of knowing exactly how to close a deal in 30 days or less!)

But when you join the LIVE 30-Day EPIC Deal Sprint You’ll Also Get Access To:

The FULL EPIC Deal Sprint Vault!

When you claim your seat today, you’ll get instant access to 3 additional 30-day EPIC Deal Sprints from this year (2022)…

Get lifetime access to 3 of our best deal sprints conducted earlier this year (2022). These personalized step-by-step implementation sprints give you get a front row seat to watch myself (Roland Frasier) and Adam Lyons find, source and close a real-word deal in 30 days, give you the insider track to working with brokers and help you launch your own high-value mastermind in as little as 14 days…

Here’s what you’ll get instant access to:

#1. The Flippa EPIC Deal Sprint (Value: $12,000)

Flippa is one of the largest online marketing places to buy and sell businesses. During this 30-Day EPIC Deal Sprint you get to watch myself and Adam Lyons go from research to acquisition of a new business and every step taken in between while you take the same exact steps alongside us. In this 30-Day Sprint you’ll discover:

  • Every step we took to acquire a Flippa business in real-time including: research, analysis, our exact word-for-word conversations, negotiation tactics and more…
  • How Flippa can deviate from the traditional EPIC Strategy but should always leverage a $0 Out Of Pocket funding.
  • The quickest way to gain confidence and build your resume before you make an offer on Flippa if you’re new or worried about your experience being a factor.
  • How to give yourself major strategic negotiation advantages before you ever start your outreach or have a conversation with a seller…
  • The BIG red flags you want to avoid when finding your acquisition target that most people overlook that can lead to bigger problems after the acquisition…
  • The “6 Factors” that allow you to find deals with heavy upsides – if you’re worried about the quality or potential of your deal, this is what you’ll want to use…
  • The 70/30 strategy that you can use to fund any business with zero out of pocket and how we applied this strategy to a real acquisition…
  • How we were able to add the “silver lining” into our deal after we made the “ask” to sweeten the pot and keep the seller motivated to move forward. 
  • How we generated an additional $10K in upfront revenue from our Flippa acquisition from an unexpected source and how you can replicated this for yourself…
  • And Much More…

#2. The EPIC Mastermind Sprint (Value: $12,000)

The EPIC Mastermind Sprint is a 5-week series handing you my exact step-by-step blueprint as I walk you through the entire process of creating your own high-value mastermind in as little as 14 days! In this sprint you’ll learn: 

  • Why you should always start with the 5W approach as the starting point for any mastermind (do this one step right and your chances of success immediately skyrocket)
  • My rock-solid method for finding high-quality paying members even if you have zero network, no influence or online presence.
  • How to GUARANTEE every member is engaged and has a positive experience even if they are introverted and avoid social interaction…
  • My bullet proof content strategy that removes the guesswork of what to post, type, create and share with you members…
  • Why location matters and how to choose the right venue every time – some of the most popular meeting locations will hurt your mastermind growth!
  • How to leverage your mastermind for continuous “Deal Flow” without impacting the quality and focus of your members…
  • How To Sell Out A Mastermind without coming across “salesy” or without creating uncomfortable or high pressure situations…
  • Case Study: How 2 social media posts generated over 136 comments and over $70,000 in income! You get to see my exact posts, strategy and marketing sequence to model for yourself…
  • Case Study: How I generated an additional $200,000 in the last 12 months as a complete side benefit of having a mastermind (and how you can copy this for yourself)…
  • Plus every script, resource, template you’ll need to launch your own high-value mastermind and more

#3. The Business Broker Deal Sprint (Value: $12,000)

In this 30-Day Sprint EPIC Coach, Adam Lyons, walks you through the most important factors to closing deals that involve brokers. There are many additional factors to consider when a broker is involved and you’ll get a comprehensive deep-dive into the Pro’s, Con’s, and considerations to take if you choose to do a deal involving a broker, such as: 

  • How to deal with broker commissions, how they impact your deal and potential negotiation…
  • How to deal with creative structuring in a broker deal and some of the limitations or changes you may need to make…
  • How to overcome some of the most common questions or objections that you’ll encounter in a broker involved deal… 
  • The 4 must-have factors you need to have in place before you get into any negotiation with a broker (these 4 factors will make all the difference in your deal!)
  • How to find easy wins that make a deal appealing and often far more profitable than anyone in the deal may realize!
  • How to find “opportunities” to confidently reduce an asking multiple and be able to fully justify the reduction request with a simple checklist…
  • The proven 6-step negotiation framework that gives you a clear roadmap for any conversation and boosts your chances of a successful outcome.
  • Adam’s best word-for-word negotiation scripts and responses that allow you to keep the upper hand, avoid uncomfortable situations and keep your deals moving toward a close…
  • And MUCH more…


Yours Today For Only $3,997

However, My Goal Is Not To Sell A Coaching Program...

The reason we are putting so much value and personal effort into this program is because we really want something else…

You see, we don’t just teach Mergers & Acquisitions, we actually do them… and the best way we can help ensure you take action and get you to close a deal is to do a deal alongside you!

Because What We Really Want Is Your Success Story!

My team and I have started putting together a collection of our most successful student’s success stories, acquisitions, and wins… but I know there are dozens of entrepreneurs, just like you, who are motivated to get started but need help with implementation…

And sometimes just teaching you what to do isn’t enough.

That’s why we put together the 30-Day EPIC Deal Sprint, so we can SHOW you how to find, source and close a deal from start to finish with no stone unturned and no question unanswered.

That is our motivation…but this window of opportunity to be part of the 30-Day EPIC Sprint is very short…

So with that in mind, I’m not going to charge the very fair retail price of $36,000

In fact, I’m not even going to cut it in half… although $18,000 would be completely fair and less than what others have paid…

Right now, during today’s special offer you can join the 30-Day EPIC Deal Sprint and get:

The Complete 30-Day Flippa Deal Sprint (Value: $12,000)
The Complete 30-Day Mastermind Deal Sprint (Value: $12,000)
The Complete 30-Day Business Broker Deal Sprint (Value: $12,000)
And a seat at the upcoming LIVE 30-Day Online Course Deal Sprint starting on October 5th, 2022…


For A Single Payment Of Just $3,997

The price is never negotiable, but payment options are available.

But There Are Very Limited Spots…

In order for us to help you with your deal and answer any questions you have along the way, we have to limit the number of participants that we can accept…

And these spots will fill up fast!

And listen, I get it…

I know what it’s like to feel uncertain about a big investment in yourself.

That voice inside your head that says “But is this going to work for me?”

Well, one thing you’re going to love about this, besides the incredible value and everything you’re going to learn, is the unwavering support you’ll receive from our community. Our commitment is to give you everything we can, in addition to the LIVE step-by-step walkthrough to help you close your own deal within 30-days.

My 300% Success Guarantee

An economic opportunity like this doesn’t come very often (the last one was 12 years ago) and over a 30-day sprint we will arm and empower you to take action and make the most of these times.

But we also understand that for some people, investing during these uncertain times is scary, we get it! That is why we’ve put together our 300% success guarantee!

We are so certain that through the sprint and mentorship you will have everything you need to put together a deal that could get you at least a 300% return on your investment (frankly we’ve already had 3 people tell us they’ve done that and the course hasn’t even started!) that we GUARANTEE IT as follows…

Whether it’s busy life standing in the way, a slow deal pipeline (we know how to fix that), or just not having landed the right deal yet…it doesn’t matter. We will provide you 300% extended access to the program materials until you succeed!

That means, if by the end of the EPIC Deal Sprint you haven’t received a 300% return on your investment, we will provide you ongoing access to the program materials (all recorded sessions but NOT live training, mentoring or coaching) for 3x as long as the original program!

So claim your access to the EPIC Deal Sprint Vault and secure your ticket to the LIVE 30-Day EPIC Deal Sprint starting October 5th, 2022!

Go ahead and enroll right now to save big and put the entire EPIC system to work for you.


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INCOME DISCLAIMER: This website and the items it distributes contain business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that, regardless of referenced results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for you. Scalable makes absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice or content available from this web site you will make any money or improve current profits, as there are several factors and variables that come into play regarding any given business. Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control. As with any business endeavor, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense.

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BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: All products and services offered by Scalable are intended to provide prospective purchasers with general business strategies, marketing methods and other general advice for business development and training. At no point is Scaleable soliciting anyone to enter into a new business nor is it representing, either expressly or by implication, that it will provide locations for a business, provide outlets, accounts, or customers, or purchase any of the goods or services made by the purchaser.

The products being offered through this promotion are packages of informational tools to help you learn about business and deal making strategies.