✅ Growth / Marketing for Equity
✅ Business Developmentfor Equity or
✅ Sales for Equity
Thank you for taking the assessment to see what YOU have that you can trade for equity in an existing, cash-flowing business.
Based on your answers, your path to landing equity partnerships is CLEAR and BRIGHT.

Your ability to help businesses generate more revenue makes YOU in HIGH demand.
There is a MAJOR shift happening in the marketplace, that you are most likely NOT aware of.
Check out this diagram below ⬇

As you can see in the illustration above…
So MANY business owners are looking for someone who is just as excited about their businesses as they are…
Someone with SKIN IN THE GAME…
Someone that can share in the “ownership mentality”…
Someone that has ALREADY SOLVED the bleeding problems they are facing…
Who can predict success…
Someone who is world class – and does not have to be managed… Or checked in on constantly…
They are looking for YOU.
So what’s the next step?
How can YOU tap into the abundant world of consulting for equity?
…And learn:
➡ How you can find potential equity partnership opportunities<
➡ Which industries are ripe for consulting for equity deals
➡ How to position yourself correctly to get business owners to OFFER YOU equity
➡ And how to negotiate retainer fees starting on day 1?
Start by watching this video below:

Next, I want you to repeat after me:
“I am no longer for hire.
I only [grow/market/consult] for businesses I own or have a stake in.”
What a powerful shift.
You’re here because you’re highly skilled AND you’re likely making more money for others than you’re making for yourself.
Today that can change.
I’m honored to introduce you to Consulting for Equity – a strategy that my business partners and I have used to make millions.
The best part? We didn’t have to learn any new skills.
With Consulting for Equity… We already had all the skills expertise, experience, and network we needed to stop building other peoples’ businesses and dreams…
But instead build something that we own part of.
All we had to do is:
▪️ Learn how to position ourselves and how we work with business owners
▪️ Gain authority so we don’t have to continuously prove ourselves…
▪️ & learn the art of TRAINING the businesses and business owners that want to work with us…
...To give us equity in their businesses...
This one shift lets you experience the benefits of business ownership – without needing capital and without needing exhaustive knowledge about how to start or buy a business.
You get the upside of ownership, doing what you’re already good at, and start making money from day one.
A Few Questions You Might Have (and Should if You’re the Right Fit):
▪️ Will this work for me?
▪️ What if I don’t have specific experience or “superpowers”?
▪️ How do I find business owners willing to give me equity?
I answer these questions and more in the videos below. I invite you to watch and learn.
Will Consulting For Equity Work For ME?
What If I Don't Have The Right Experience or Superpowers?
How Do I Find Business Owners Who Would Give ME Equity?
Hi, I’m Roland Frasier, co-founder of a vibrant, fast-growing community called Consulting For Equity and co-owner of the largest business acquisition training company in the world, EPIC Network.
We’ve currently teach and mentor nearly 20,000 students globally how to do Consulting for Equity deals as well as, we teach many other powerful business acquisition strategies.

Consulting for Equity is one of our biggest passions, and that’s why we created a community EXCLUSIVELY for people looking to do Consulting For Equity deals.
BTW, this community is not a $20,000 mentorship program.
…It is not something where you have to pay every year so you can stay in the club…
Instead, we’ve created a community of highly skilled people ready to refer business to each other.
Success in our Equity Partner community is measured by:
✅ How much MONEY our community members and students EARN
✅ & How many Consulting for Equity deals they close
❌ NOT by how much money we make…
❌ NOT by raising our prices constantly…
❌ and NOT by only allowing people who who can pay us $20,000 to join the group…
Our community is called Consulting For Equity.

We built it because we know our members are on a 5-10 year journey to build better lives through consulting for equity, not just a quick win.
This community gives you access to other amazing professionals who fill in your skill gaps and present opportunities you wouldn’t find alone. We aim to transform more lives by teaching the art and science behind Consulting for Equity – landing equity partnerships and gaining upside in the businesses you’re already helping grow.
This private community is invite-only or by application.
It’s not a $20,000 program.
Once you’re in, you’re in.
Instead, it’s $1,497 one time, with payment options available.
If you’re on this page after taking our assessment on “what you have to trade for equity”
You’ve likely already requested a call.
Our team will reach out soon to discuss whether this is a great fit for you…
…And if you are the caliber of professional and noble capitalist we are looking for.
Meanwhile, Get Access to the Equity Partner Community
for Additional Training and Value:
You will receive login details and all the additional free training once you create your account.