Hello, EPIC Board Members! If you haven’t already registered for our Quarterly Board Meeting in SEPTEMBER, this is for you.
REGISTRATION & PERSONALIZED EXPERIENCE: You MUST register to attend the live event to reserve your seat. PLUS Your journey with us is important, and we want to ensure you get the absolute most out of this experience. To help us ensure we deliver the most relevant content, we’d love to know more about your background and goals.
REGISTRATION: There will be an opportunity to pick up your badge and checkin for the event prior to kickoff.
September 16th: (Monday): 8am (first session kicks off at 9am)
FOOD/BEVERAGE: We will be providing a coffee/tea each morning and a full lunch will be provided both days.
BRING: Whatever you need to be as engaged as possible. If you take notes the old school way, bring your notepad, pens, etc. Don’t forget to bring your laptop, charger, etc if you plan to work that way.
QUESTIONS: If you have ANY questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Bailey (bailey@epicnetwork.com) or DeAnna (deanna@epicnetwork.com) and we’ll be sure to help out as best we can. Any resort-related questions (transportation, restaurants, booking concerns) can be directed to the hotel: (760) 448-1234.